Free functionalities

Improve your marketing …

Easier to find by thousands of users and companies

You are immediately visible in the Sport-Planner app and your offer will appear in the list of suggestions from users of the app if relevant.

Public profile

We automatically create a great looking public website profile for you, so you are easier to find on the internet

Extra visible to friends of customers

With our platform, you can easily expand your reach. We provide multiple services that will help you getting in touch with more customers!

For example: Your customers are reminded automatically to introduce their friends

Advanced customer
/ member management

- Put your trainings in the list of 'suggestions' of your customers and their friends

- Send messages to customers

- Invite groups of customers for your classes

Online Classes

Offer online activities/trainings for your customer. It's ideal for the time we are living in right now.

Discount codes

Create discount codes that can be used by different people. Easy to use for example for advertisement

…simplify your administration…

Agenda management

Sport-Planner helps you to manage your agenda. The planning tools also work for customers who do not use the app. It also helps you register everyone so you can organize corona-proof!

Subscriptions & Multi cards

<p> Offer your customers the option to buy a multi cards and/or subscription </p> <br> <p> Can be adapted entirely according to your wishes </p> <br> <p> from €9.95 / month</p>

Monthly financial report

Don't waste your time on administration. We create a monthly report with revenue and tax split.

Do you want an invoice per customer? See the extra options below

Custom invoices
per individual customer

Creating invoices for individual customers is done with the push of a single button!

This will help you save time doing your finances!

Set time slots for 
customers to book

Allow your customers to book a training/lesson with you based on your availability. You set your own availabilty and booking options.

Allocate credits to customers

Allocate credits to your customers based on payments outside of the app (for example based on payments in cash)

…and make things better for your customers!

Great app for your customers

Our app is rated a 4.8 / 5 starts in the app store

Pay from gross salary

Anybody can pay for your classes, subscriptions or multi-cards from their gross salary, if they have agreed so with their employer

Extra motivation to exercise

We motivate your customers in many ways to exercise more often

You help people exercise, so we help you!